The Richmond Beneficial Insurance Co. Leads them all

January 4, 1902


The Planet praises the all-black Richmond Beneficial Insurance Company for its growth and acceptance, after overcoming prejudices in the business world.


The Board of Managers has taken all possible care to guard the safe and perpetual operation of the Old Reliable. The Company’s funds are invested in the best salable real estate and deposited in the best banks of the city of Richmond. We have thought it well for the good of the public to pr? Herewith a few statements touching the men who conduct the business of this Company along with their cuts. Rev. W. F. Graham, D.D., is the President. He is well-known throughout the country as the popular pastor of Fifth St. Baptist Church and one of the leading divines of the Baptist denomination. He is first Associate Editor of the National Baptist Publishing House, a prominent member of the National Baptist Convention Foreign Mission Board, Chairman of the Trustee Board of Virginia Seminary, Chairman of the Virginia Baptist State Convention Foreign Mission Board, Director of the Mechanics’ Savings Bank, and a prominent member of the Odd Fellows, Pythians, Courts of Calanthe, St. Lukes, and Christian Helpers’ Union. As leader of the Richmond Beneficial Insurance Company, he has demonstrated most excellent qualities.
Deacon C.H, A. Strother
This gentleman is a deacon of the historic Sixth Mt. Zion Baptist Church, where preached for many years the world-wide famed Rev. John Jasper. Deacon Strothers is a very positive, slow to act Director, which slowness comes not in consequence of stubbornness or a disposition to differ, but upon the principle that calm, careful, studied deliberation works the best in the end. Deacon Strothers is a prominent member of the Invincible Lodge of Odd Fellows, a member of the Grand Master’s Council of the Grand Lodge and ranks high in Patriarchy.
Deacon Anderson Knox
This gentleman is one of the soundest business men in the Old Reliable. His judgment may be counted upon always as wise, prudent and trustworthy. He is a prominent Committeeman of the Ebenezer Baptist Church, ranks high in the Odd Fellows and St. Lukes and is an officer in the Plasterers’ Union.
Prof. John T. Taylor is General Secretary and Manager.
He has proven himself efficient, capable and careful in business affairs. He has worked hard and stuck by the President in all of the advanced movements for the good of the Company.
Mr. Taylor stands high in the business world. He is the leading member of the Second Baptist Church being permanent Chairman of the Deacon Board, and Chairman of Finance in that great church; he stands high in Pythianism, being Chairman of the Business Committee of the Grand Lodge, having served as Chancellor Commander of Planet Lodge, being at present Worthy Counsellor of Mechanics’ Court and a director of the Mechanics’ Savings Bank. He makes an excellent General Manager.
Mr. Edward F. Johnson
The Vice-President of the Richmond Beneficial Insurance Company is Mr. Edward F. Johnson. He is also a member of the Auditing Committee, a member of the Board of Managers, and is noted for his stern, tenacious business qualities. He is always careful to look out for the best interests of the Company. He believes in laying the foundation that will give an indefinite perpetuation to the institution. He is a member of the Second Baptist Church.
Cashier J.J. CARTER
This gentleman is the custodian of the Company’s finance, and the public and all who know him feel perfectly satisfied with him handling the funds of the institution.
He is deacon, financial secretary, trustee and a prominent member of the Ebenezer Baptist Church. And Treasurer of its Sunday School. He is a member of high standing a with the Odd Fellows, being P.G.M. and Trustee of the same. He is a worthy member of the Masonic order, St. Luke's, Pythians, True Reformers and a Director of the Mechanics’ Savings Bank.
With him as Cashier, the finance of the Company is handled with a vigilant eye and safe keeping.
In this young man, the Company has a number one general officer. He, like the others, is a gentleman of high standing in social and business relations. He is a member of the Fifth Street Baptist Church. First Vice-President of the Baptist State Sunday School Convention of Virginia, Vice-President of the State B.Y.P.U., member of their respective Boards, a leading Pythian, a prominent member of the True Reformers, and a thorough going business man. Mr. Peyton is one of the best-known young men in the State of Virginia, and is General Inspector, he is one of the most valuable officers of the Richmond Beneficial Insurance Company.
Deacon A.T. GRIMES
The above named gentleman, who is a member of the Second Baptist Church, is the Treasurer of the Richmond Beneficial Insurance Company. He is a man of recognized business principles and well developed ideas in the business world. He worked his way up from the humblest walks of life to recognition and financial worth in the city of Richmond. For many years he has been a member of Globe Lodge, 1493, Odd Fellows, and has been Treasurer of the same for more than seventeen years,
Auditor Archer B. Hawkins
Mr. A. B. Hawkins, a member and deacon of the Fifth St. Baptist Church, is one of the staunchest members of the Old Reliable, and his shrewd business qualities make him an invaluable member of the Auditing Committee. He is a clerk in the C&O. Railroad Offices holding the position of Record and file clerk, which position he has held for thirteen years. He is a prominent member of the Odd Fellows, having held the position of P.S. in Invincible Lodge for many years, a prominent Mason, having passed to the rank of Knight’s Templar, high standing St. Luke and a useful member of the True Reformers. Mr. Hawkins is a wide-awake business man.
Mr. S.J. Gilpin
The above named gentleman is the popular Shoe Dealer at 506 E. Broad St., where he has conducted a most successful business for many years. As a Director of the Board of Management, he adds much to the success of the Richmond Beneficial Insurance Company. He is a prominent member of the Ebenezer Baptist Church and a Trustee of the same. He has been Secretary of the Globe Lodge of Odd Fellows for 21 years and District Grand Treasurer for 15 years. He is likewise in high connection with the Masons and True Reformers.
In order that the public may have an intelligent idea of the growth of this company in its volume of business, we herein submit the following table of figures, indicating the work done since 1894.
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Brooke Royer


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“The Richmond Beneficial Insurance Co. Leads them all,” Black Virginia: The Richmond Planet, 1894-1909, accessed February 14, 2025,