Knights of Pythias

July 21, 1906


The female department of the Knights of Pythias visits Washington and Lee University after appointing a new court.


Knights of Pythias
The female Department -- A New Court Organized
Lexington, Va., July 10th, ‘06.
Grand Worthy Counsellor John Mitchell, Jr., arrived here yesterday morning at 8:20. Miss M. L. Chiles, Grand Worthy Register of Deeds; Dr. J.A. Lewis, acting Grand Medical Register, of Richmond; Mrs. Julia A. Watts, Grand Worthy in spectrix and Mrs. G. A. Patterson Past Worthy COunsellor, of Lynchburg came with him.
The party was located at the establishment of District Deputy Grand Chancellor G. E. Woodford. They were most pleasurable entertained. The feature of the morning was an extended drive over Lexington, a visit to Washington and Lee University, and the chapel where lies buried the late Confederate chieftain, Gen. Robt. E. Lee and his family. They saw the recumbent statue of Lee, the vault and the office of Gen. Lee, just as he left it 36 years ago.
Mr. J.C. Carter is in charge of the chapel and was very accommodating in showing the party through the buildings. Mr. R.R. Jones, the contractor led the way while Mr. Alexander held the reins to the “tally-ho.”
The new court was made at about 11 o’clock Monday night at the Oddfellows Hall...
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Contributed By

Emma Roberts


“Knights of Pythias,” Black Virginia: The Richmond Planet, 1894-1909, accessed February 14, 2025,