The Grand Chancellor

January 4, 1896


John Mitchell speaks to an audience of fellow Pythians in Suffolk, garnering support.


Editor John Mitchell, Jr, Grand Chancellor of Virginia Knights of Pythias arrived here yesterday afternoon. He was met at the train by a committee headed by Deputy Grand Chancellor John M Boothe, and conveyed in a buggy to the residence of the above named gentleman. An elaborate programme for the entertainment of the honored guest had been arranged, but owing to the lateness of his arrival it had to be abandoned.
Shortly after 8 o'clock the members of Suffolk Lodge, No 5 repaired to the Town Hall where the exercises of the evening were to take place. There was a good attendance. On the rostrum were Rev. W W Gaines, Rev. George Williams, Rev. Newsome, Rev. Howell, W. H. Arrington, Esq, Mr. Jordan Thompson.
Mr. Sandy A Boyd was chairman and to Rev. Dr. J. C. Aylor was assigned the task of introducing the speaker of the evening. This he did in a most polished manner and his complimentary remarks relative to the achievements of Editor Mitchell were listened to with profound interest and applauded at the close.
Mr. Mitchell discussed Pythianism. He gave detailed description of the principles upon which the Order was founded, told of the struggles and disappointments in introducing it among our people, and the final success which had crowned our efforts.
His description of the historical facts relative to Damon and Pythias were impressive, and the practical application of the friendship displayed very fine.
He then showed how the troubles in the Lunenburg Case might have been avoided had the principles of Pythianism been exercised by Solomon Marable.
His description of the pitiable condition of the convicted women was truly pathetic and many were moved to tears.
For an hour this audience sat spellbound under the magnetic influence of this speaker and at the close roused itself to break forth in rapturous applause. An admission fee was charged at the door and refreshments served, and there was a large attendance. Benediction was announced. Grand Chancellor Mitchell after enjoying the hospitalities of Mrs. J M. Boothe and Miss Deborah Langston returned home Saturday morning. The Pythians of Suffolk are aroused and will make a good report of themselves by the next Grand Lodge Session.
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Contributed By

Liam Eynan


“The Grand Chancellor,” Black Virginia: The Richmond Planet, 1894-1909, accessed January 25, 2025,