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  • Date contains "1902"

August 2, 1902

“In the midst of anarchist conditions,” where mobs roam and people disregard the law, it is “especially unfortunate” that the latest meeting for the National Afro-American Council sparked disagreement among the members over office positions.

March 15, 1902

The “Jim Crow” streetcar bill was denied by the Committee on Roads of the Virginia legislature due to the inconvenience it presented for the streetcar workers.

January 4, 1902

The rapid expansion of the railroad system in the South is allowing quicker and more comfortable travel.

March 1, 1902

At a “time of so much racial agitation,” the governor announces that he plans to change the education system to limit collegiate education for black people.

May 3, 1902

The Planet praises the Fifth Street Baptist Church for “putting on new life in each and every department of its work.”

March 1, 1902

White Southerners warn against giving distant jobs to black people, to limit their travel, and they make claims about preventing rapes in the future.

May 17, 1902

Baptist members of the “ablest divines in the United States” meet in Richmond in response to Mitchell’s violation of “individual membership rights” for “muzzling the press”; a church mob acts out, disappointing the black community.

February 15, 1902

The Constitutional Convention of Virginia considers whether it should implement the grandfather clause, the educational qualification, or the understanding clause, but are a bit hesitant to proceed.

February 15, 1902

The Colored National Emigration Association holds a conference for any black man seeking to leave the US to move abroad to experience civil and political rights and “manhood”.

April 19, 1902

The Planet recognizes a black millionaire on his death. Emphasizing his generosity to his white friends, the paper highlights the “love of the colored brother for the white man.”
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