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  • Date contains "1902"

January 25, 1902

John Mitchell, Jr., gives a powerful speech drawing on his intense experiences of oppression growing up, gaining support and respect on behalf of the black community.

March 1, 1902

The Committee on Roads of the legislature of Virginia reviews a new bill for segregated streetcars. Most whites oppose the bill, especially the conductors who must enforce it.

March 1, 1902

Recent corruption in the Richmond Baptist Church charges Mitchell with committing a crime “against the church, against the cause of Christ, against the Baptist denomination and against the Negro race.”

January 18, 1902

Mitchell positively remarks how black people have transitioned to owning former white slavemasters’ property and successful businesses.

February 22, 1902

The Planet praises the 5th grammar grade of Baker School for having perfect attendance, with no lates, for 17 ½ weeks straight, and for performing well on examinations. They were rewarded with cake and cream at the teacher’s home.

February 1, 1902

Two white men wildly accused black men of stealing their hogs without proof, immediately attempting to arrest and kill them. Suddenly one of the black men shoots the white man. They hang three random black men without confirmation that they were the…

October 4, 1902

In order to "create a favorable impression and lighten [their] burdens" and be accepted by the white community, some colored people that are "strangers to the ordinary rules of politeness" must become more like "the better class of colored people".

January 25, 1902

A list of stereotypes advises women on how to act--and not act.

February 8, 1902

An argument for temperance outlines the dangers of alcohol to soldier’s “moral nature,” efficiency in action, and physical strength.

February 22, 1902

The Virginia Baptist Church, identifying itself as the largest and most powerful Baptist organization representing black people, announces that it will hold a convention to raise money to pay back debt to the Home Mission Society.
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