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  • Topic is exactly "Women"

August 5, 1899

A man tells of his own “delinquencies” when dealing with his wife and how he has “reformed."

August 6, 1906

After testifying as a victim against a black man, a white woman’s guilt forces her to confess her perjury.

December 30, 1899

White women complain after the jobs that promised to pay well and provide them stable work leave them with "great dissatisfaction and discontent."

January 31, 1903

A professor is searching for a good looking young woman to work as his secretary. The application must be accompanied by a photograph.

December 1, 1906

A woman in Philadelphia “solves the problem” of haircuts for black women, turning their hair into works of art.

July 29, 1899

A shirt factory that employs many black women does not live up to its promises, leaving the women overworked and underpaid, so many quit.

July 29, 1899

The Planet states four cases of betrayal caused by women who are deemed untrustworthy.

April 19, 1906

The only female bank owner during this time lives in New England, and is the owner “on the basis of her masculine ability.”

January 18, 1908

A sad poem about a couple’s love growing old, and both doing nothing to save or confront it.

January 17, 1903

Women are told that curves are no longer in style, and that skinny is now considered beautiful.
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