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  • Topic is exactly "Church, School, and Organizations"

November 23, 1895

The Planet praises the Richmond Theological Seminary for its great work in training young men for the gospel ministry.

January 4, 1896

John Mitchell speaks to an audience of fellow Pythians in Suffolk, garnering support.

January 9, 1897

An advertisement for a night school speaks to the politics of voting and education.

February 20, 1897

Graham, Virginia, is praised for its industrialization and positive atmosphere.

April 3, 1897

George Dixon, sometimes referred to as a “colored wonder,” defeated another opponent in the boxing ring and further justified his nickname.

April 10, 1897

A wedding between two prominent young people is described in detail.

April 17, 1897

A new lodge is advertised to subscribers the “first of color in this city.”

May 8, 1897

The Planet responds a local park being opened to the “public,” while still refusing admittance to black people.

January 8, 1898

A fraternal and burial society headed by Planet editor, John Mitchell, Jr., looks for new members.

February 5, 1898

A poet encourages all to carry on despite the many trials African Americans face across the state.
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